Thursday, January 30, 2014

IELTS Facebook Pages + Groups+Roadmap to IELTS Speaking Success

Facebook Pages of IELTS:

Facebook Groups of IELTS:
10 Steps to Exam Confidence Roadmap to IELTS Speaking Success

To Find Research Jobs in USA

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Blood Donation -Facebook Pages/Groups


H1 vs J1 Pros and Cons

Latest Update of Step 2 CS- January 2014

Latest Update of Step 2 CS- January 2014

Documents Required for B1/B2 Visa for Step 2 CS

No Final But a Short List of Documents :
1. Step 1 Result
2. Step 2 CK Appointment
3. Visa Letter
4. CS Appointment
5. Experience House Job(Intern ship)
6. Current Job
7. Travel Itinerary(airticket booking receipt/travelling plan)
8. Passport
9. ID Card
10. Domicile
11. Degree
12. Transcripts
13. Bank statement
14. Results all 5 years
15. Affidavit 2
16. Tax Pay
17. Hotel Reservation
18. Birth Certificate
19. PMDC
20. CS Window Period
21. Experience of Free Time

These are the things required for visa.if you have these you are all set to apply.
One major thing is that you should be honest and true in everything that you tell and in filling the form of embassy

Understanding Research: An Overview for Health Professionals

Understanding Research: An Overview for Health Professionals

Flat Tummy Tips


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Two-Day Workshop - Mixed Methods Research-Using SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo Software for Planning, Analyzing and Writing

Two-Day Workshop
Mixed Methods Research
Using SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo Software for Planning, Analyzing and Writing
On-line: February 12-13, 2014| On-site: February 21-22, 2014, The University of Lahore, Lahore

The long debate for pros and cons of qualitative and quantitative research has turned into mixed method research. This emerging approach is largely backed by growing area of inter-disciplinary research.  Scholars have identified various innovative strategies and techniques to operationalize mixed method research to answer marriage of both qualitative and quantitative research challenges. This workshop trains participants on fundamental strategies of mixed method research related to planning and execution. Participants will also learn how to combine potentials of SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo software for quantitative and qualitative analysis.

§  Plan and conduct mixed method research?
§  Combine qualitative and quantitative data and its analysis?
§  Use SPSS, MAXQDA and Vivo software for mixed method research?
§  Write and present mixed method research
 Let us make you learned these concepts

§  Developing orientation to mixed method research
§  Make people understand in designing strategies of mixed method research
§  Enabling participants to analyse and write using mixed method approach
§  Use of SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo for mixed method data analysis

§  MPhil/PhD Scholars
§  Faculty members and researchers of universities
§  Scientific officers of universities
§  R&D managers and planners
§  Research officers of NGOs and social sector organizations
§  Consultants and policy analysts
Day 01
Planning Mixed Method Research
§  What is mixed methods research- philosophical fundamentals
§  When and why to use mixed methods
§  Key differences in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research

Designing Mixed Method Research
§  Marriage strategies of quantitative and qualitative data
§  Parallel, Conversion, Sequential, Multilevel and Data Synthesis
§  Design Strategies:
ü  Sequential Explanatory Strategy
ü  Sequential Exploratory Strategy
ü  Sequential Transformative Strategy
ü  Concurrent Triangulation Strategy
ü  Concurrent Embedded Strategy
ü  Concurrent Transformative Strategy

Managing Mixed Method Research
§  Benefits of using mixed methods
§  Challenges of using mixed methods
§  Consideration for write up in mixed methods
§  Consideration for publishing in mixed methods
Day 02
Using SPSS (software) for Mixed Method Data Analysis
§  Usage of SPSS
§  Descriptive analysis
§  Comparative Analysis
Using NVivo (software) for Mixed Method Data Analysis
§  Data Feeding into Software (Quantitative and Qualitative)
§  Data Analysis through Software
§  Results Presentation through Software
Using MAXQDA (application) for Mixed Method Data Analysis
§  Preparing and importing online survey data into MAXQDA
§  Using word frequency, lexical search and autocoding tools for preliminary analysis
§  Using simple and complex query tools to check and refine the analysis and output results and reports
§  Setting-up different types of data in MAXQDA projects and linking them together
§  Using MAXQDA to help one form of data to inform the analysis of another
A Case Study on Mixed Method Approach
§  Design and Study Plan
§  Literature Review
§  Data Collection
§  Data Analysis
§  Results presentation and Write up
Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
Fulbright Post-Doc,University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Fulbright Pre-Doc,University of Texas, Austin, USA

Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
Post-Doc, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
PhD Library & Information Science (University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan)

Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman
PhD Information Studies and Communication, University of Charles de Gaulle, Lille 3, France
Listed NVivo Trainer of QSR International Australia
Dr. Aman Ullah
Ph.D HRM, Deakin Gradute School of Business, Deakin University, Australia


Program Details:
§  Date: February 12-13, 2014
§  Duration: Two-Days
§  Timing: 09:30AM-05:30PM (PST) for both days

Workshop Enrollment Fee:
§  Individual: Rs.4000/Participant
§  Full Time Student: Rs.3200/Participant
§  Institutional Participation Fee: Rs.30,000/up-to 15 Participants
Mode of Payment:
§  Cheque/Draft: Dispatch crossed cheque/draft in favour of “Centre for Training and Development” at the address: Suite No. 11, 7th Floor, Central Plaza, Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore-Pakistan.            
§  Direct Account Transfer: Through on-line banking, ATM/Internet/telephone transfer. Bank: Habib Bank Limited, A/C No: 50097900464555, Title of Account:  Centre for Training and Development, Branch: Ali Block, New Garden Town, Lahore”
Last date for enrollment: February 07, 2014
How to Join an On-Line Training Workshop?
If you have a PC (desktop/laptop) or any other portable device, microphone and an internet connection, you can easily join an on-line workshop. See system requirements

What Will You Get?
§  Certificate (through courier)
§  DVD of workshop recording (through courier)
§  Printable resource material and slides
§  Post-workshop consulting
§  Networking with professionals
§  Continues learning on the subject

§  Program Details:
§  Date: February 21-22, 2014
§  Duration: Two-Days
§  Timing: 09:30AM to 05:30PM for both days
§  Venue: University of Management & Technology, Lahore

Workshop Enrollment Fee:
§  Individual: Rs.8000/Participant
§  Full Time Student: Rs.6000/Participant
§  Group: Rs.6500/Participant for a group of 3 or more nominees
Mode of Payment:
§  Cheque/Draft: Dispatch crossed cheque/draft in favour of “Centre for Training and Development” at the address: Suite No. 11, 7th Floor, Central Plaza, Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore-Pakistan.         
§  Direct Account Transfer: Through on-line banking, ATM/Internet/telephone transfer. Bank: Habib Bank Limited, A/C No: 50097900464555, Title of Account:  Centre for Training and Development, Branch: Ali Block, New Garden Town, Lahore”
Last date for enrollment: February 17, 2014

What Will You Get?
§  Certificate
§  Resource material and slides
§  Post-workshop consulting
§  Networking with professionals
§  Continues learning on the subject
§  Lunch and refreshment

Please do provide your nomination through email, sms or telephone call stating full name, cell number, email ID, name of organization/university, and position/designation etc

Muhammad Zeeshan Sheikh
Manager, IRP Trainings,
Institute of Research Promotion,
Suite # 11, 7th Floor, Central Plaza, Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore-Pakistan
Cell: 0321-4516964 | Landline: 042-35846988 | Email: | URL:


Sunday, January 26, 2014

8 Steps to Having Wildly Productive Mornings

1. Manage your energy, not your time.
If you take a moment to think about it, you’ll probably realize that you are better at doing certain tasks at certain times. For example, my creative energy is highest in the morning, so that’s when I do my writing each day.
By comparison, I block out my afternoons for interviews, phone calls, and emails. I don’t need my creative energy to be high for those tasks, so that’s the best time for me to get them done. And I tend to have my best workouts in the late afternoon or early evening, so that’s when I head to the gym.
What type of energy do you have in the morning? What task is that energy best suited for?
2. Prepare the night before.
I don’t do this nearly as often as I should, but if you only do one thing each day then spend a few minutes each night organizing your to–do list for tomorrow. When I do it right, I’ll outline the article I’m going to write the next day and develop a short list of the most important items for me to accomplish. It takes 10 minutes that night and saves 3 hours the next day.
3. Don’t open email until noon.
Sounds simple. Nobody does it. It took me awhile to get over the urge to open my inbox, but eventually I realized that everything can wait a few hours. Nobody is going to email you about a true emergency (a death in the family, etc.), so leave your email alone for the first few hours of each day. Use the morning to do what’s important rather than responding to what is “urgent.”
4. Turn your phone off and leave it in another room.
Or on your colleagues desk. Or at the very least, put it somewhere that is out of sight. This eliminates the urge to check text messages, Facebook, Twitter, and so on. This simple strategy eliminates the likelihood of slipping into half–work where you waste time dividing your attention among meaningless tasks.
5. Work in a cool place. 
Have you ever noticed how you feel groggy and sluggish in a hot room? Turning the temperature down or moving to a cooler place is an easy way to focus your mind and body. (Hat tip to Michael Hyatt for this one.)
6. Sit up or stand up. 
Your mind needs oxygen to work properly. Your lungs need to be able to expand and contract to fill your body with oxygen. That sounds simple enough, but here’s the problem: most people sit hunched over while staring at a screen and typing.
When you sit hunched over, your chest is in a collapsed position and your diaphragm is pressing against the bottom of your lungs, which hinders your ability to breathe easily and deeply. Sit up straight or stand up and you’ll find that you can breathe easier and more fully. As a result, your brain will get more oxygen and you’ll be able to concentrate better.
(Small tip: When sitting, I usually place a pillow in the small of my back. This prevents my lower back from rounding, which keeps me more upright.)
7. Eat as a reward for working hard. 
I practice intermittent fasting, which means that I eat my first meal around noon each day. I’ve been doing this for almost two years. There are plenty of health benefits, which I explained in great detail herehere, and here.
But health is just one piece of the puzzle. I also fast because it allows me to get more out of my day. Take a moment to think about how much time people spend each day thinking, planning, and consuming food. By adopting intermittent fasting, I don’t waste an hour each morning figuring out what to eat for breakfast, cooking it, and cleaning up. Instead, I use my morning to work on things that are important to me. Then, I eat good food and big meals as a reward for working hard.
8. Develop a “pre–game routine” to start your day.
My morning routine starts by pouring a cold glass of water. Some people kick off their day with ten minutes of meditation. Similarly, you should have a sequence that starts your morning ritual. This tiny routine signals to your brain that it’s time to get into work mode or exercise mode or whatever mode you need to be in to accomplish your task. Additionally, a pre–game routine helps you overcome a lack of motivation and get things done even when you don’t feel like it.
For more details about why this works, read How to Get Motivated.
The Power of a Morning Routine
Just as it’s rare for anyone to experience overnight success, it’s also rare for our lives crumble to pieces in an instant. Most unproductive or unhealthy behaviors are the result of slow, gradual choices that add up to bad habits. A wasted morning here. An unproductive morning there.
The good news is that exceptional results are also the result of consistent daily choices. Nowhere is this more true than with your morning routine. The way you start your day is often the way that you finish it.
Take, for example, Jack LaLanne. He woke up each day at 4am and spent the first 90 minutes lifting weights. Then, he went for a swim or a run for the next 30 minutes. For more than 60 years, he spent each morning doing this routine. In addition to being one of the most influential people in fitness in the last 100 years, LaLanne also lived to the ripe old age of 96.
This is no coincidence. What you do each morning is an indicator of how you approach your entire day. It’s the choices that we repeatedly make that determine the life we live, the health we enjoy, and the work we create.

Read more:

Low USMLE scores – How to get residency?

Research Positions

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Evaluate Priorities to Balance Personal Life, Medical School

Are you wondering if your life is over while you're in medical school? The answer probably depends on who you ask.

Upon graduation, I've heard students say something to the effect of, "I'm glad I did it, and I'm glad I didn't know how demanding it would be before I started."

Realistically, medical students have to be disciplined to make time for life while studying. Learning how others do it is always a good idea. Understanding what aspects of life mean most to you is the best place to start.

Let's say athletics is one of your basic life necessities. At Cleveland Clinic, we have a group of first-year students that gets up at 5 a.m. to go to the gym. These students are in class by 8 a.m., study in the afternoon and early evening and sleep well to get up early.

Their camaraderie motivates them to support their friends by upholding their commitment to fitness. As a result, they are alert in class and stay physically fit.

Another student trains competitively when she is not studying for board exams or on full-time clinical rotation. During her research period, she has more control over her time and may even consider spending an extra year in school in order to leave room for more flexible scheduling.

Others describe "real life" as having children. Although there is no perfect time to have a baby, nonclinical rotations offer more flexible scheduling – and once the baby sleeps through the night, completing requirements of nonclinical rotations, such as studying preventive medicine online or writing a scientific report, become easier to manage.

Of course, timing conception doesn't always meet expectations. I had a baby in August of my internship year.

I thought I could come back after one month, but I needed seven weeks before I returned. In recent years, many new moms have chosen to stay home longer and extend their total length of time in training.

Still other medical school students value having the same social life they did as an undergraduate. To be honest, that isn't sustainable in most medical schools and impossible once night call begins.

I have known students who left medical school because they found its demands to reduce their social life were unacceptable. Even students who are "good with patients" may not want to sacrifice that much freedom.

After discussing with advisers, they have gone off to pursue careers in music, consulting and cooking. One student preferred to give up medical school rather than give up his competitive status in various video games.

Romance and family life are important personal factors, and the long-distance relationships that often accompany medical school can be challenging, especially when finances and studies determine the frequency of visits. One father drove three hours each way to visit his children nearly every weekend for a full year before his family could move.

Another trainee visited his partner's city every other weekend. Most students don't have the money to fly, but the Internet and video chats make closeness easier.

Watching television, bar hopping and communicating on social media are activities that can eat up valuable free time. My advice is to consider what matters most to the life you want to live.

Time with my spouse and family, adequate exercise and a little community service filled my schedule, apart from work or study. Although I loved cooking, I had to find acceptable, speedy alternatives. Choir practice was gobbled up by other obligations.

So how do you define the life you have? My husband defines a meaningful life as learning something new every day, taking opportunities to make a difference and having fun with the people you work with. Medical school offers many opportunities to learn, but it's up to you to set priorities that allow you to get true meaning and joy out of your experience.

Career Opportunities In bahrain

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to succeed in a Skype interview

Technology is an amazing thing, and believe it or not, the Internet is not only for Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Many colleges around the country are using Skype, and other video chat services, to conduct interviews with prospective students. This type of interview benefits students who do not live in the area, such as students, from the U.S. and international students.
A Skype interview may sound like a dream come true. You may think that you are able to interview without the added pressure of making yourself presentable. This, of course, is a common misconception. Skype interviews are just as important as if you were walking into an office. 
Here are 10 tips to succeed in a Skype interview:
1.) Be aware of your surroundings. The interviewer is able to see what’s next to you and what’s behind you. Straighten up your room. Remove the clutter, all the wine, cigarettes, stack of papers, or anything else you wouldn’t normally bring with you to an interview. Sit at a desk if you have one. The interviewer will then see you in a professional manner. It shows that you’re organized and confident.
2.) Dress to impress. Although you’re not in the same room with your interviewer, they will still be judging your appearance, so you want to look professional. A nice blouse. A button-up shirt. A suit jacket. A tie. Wear what you would wear to an in-person interview. (If you want to keep your pajama bottoms on, that will be our little secret).
3.) Do a test run. Skype with a friend or contact your Career Center to see if they offer mock Skype interviews. Make sure you’re surrounded by enough light. Make sure they can hear you clearly. Have the person on the other end ask you a few questions and answer them in the way  you would in the interview. They will be able to give you feedback on your interview skills, visibility, tone of voice, and volume. They will be able to see what the interviewer will see. It will give you a chance to fix something before it becomes a problem.
4.) Close all other applications. Technology is often unpredictable. You don’t want to have to explain that you were watching The Hunger Games last night because the movie starts playing mid-interview. You don’t want “Ghangnam Style” to start blasting when you hit the space bar and set off iTunes by accident. Closing all other applications will help avoid that awkward, flustered moment during the interview.
5.) Look into the camera. Don’t look at the image of the interviewer. Don’t look at the thumbnail video of yourself. By looking at the images as opposed to the camera, the interviewer will see your eyes wandering. Eye contact is very important, even in a Skype interview, but in this case it’s eye contact with the camera, not the interviewer.
6.) Be ready for a technological hiccup. Keep your laptop plugged in to avoid a dead battery. Keep a fully-charged phone (on silent) and the contact information for the interviewer next to you at all times during the interview just in case the Skype call is lost.
7.) Speak slowly and carefully. On Skype, there is often a lag in the video, so wait for the interviewer to finish talking before you chime in. Waiting for them to completely finish their sentence gives you a few more seconds to think about what you’re going to say. Take advantage of the fact that you’re video chatting. Use those small gaps of time to collect your thoughts.
8.) Check your username. Your username is the first thing the interviewer sees. Make sure it is professional. Preferably your Skype name should contain your first and last name. Avoid: HoneyBunches, DevilQT, McKracken, or Wino54. Keep it professional.

9.) Minimize outside noise. Put the kids in another room, shut off the TV, put the barking dog outside, and lock yourself in a room. Even the slightest sound can carry through Skype, making it difficult to hear the person on the other side.
10.) Last but not least, prepare your interview materials in an organized fashion, making it easy for you to access them during the interview if necessary. Have your resume, cover letter, references, writing samples, and anything else you may need right in front of you. You’re better off being overly prepared than under-prepared.

Monday, January 20, 2014

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