Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Two-Day Workshop - Mixed Methods Research-Using SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo Software for Planning, Analyzing and Writing

Two-Day Workshop
Mixed Methods Research
Using SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo Software for Planning, Analyzing and Writing
On-line: February 12-13, 2014| On-site: February 21-22, 2014, The University of Lahore, Lahore

The long debate for pros and cons of qualitative and quantitative research has turned into mixed method research. This emerging approach is largely backed by growing area of inter-disciplinary research.  Scholars have identified various innovative strategies and techniques to operationalize mixed method research to answer marriage of both qualitative and quantitative research challenges. This workshop trains participants on fundamental strategies of mixed method research related to planning and execution. Participants will also learn how to combine potentials of SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo software for quantitative and qualitative analysis.

§  Plan and conduct mixed method research?
§  Combine qualitative and quantitative data and its analysis?
§  Use SPSS, MAXQDA and Vivo software for mixed method research?
§  Write and present mixed method research
 Let us make you learned these concepts

§  Developing orientation to mixed method research
§  Make people understand in designing strategies of mixed method research
§  Enabling participants to analyse and write using mixed method approach
§  Use of SPSS, MAXQDA and NVivo for mixed method data analysis

§  MPhil/PhD Scholars
§  Faculty members and researchers of universities
§  Scientific officers of universities
§  R&D managers and planners
§  Research officers of NGOs and social sector organizations
§  Consultants and policy analysts
Day 01
Planning Mixed Method Research
§  What is mixed methods research- philosophical fundamentals
§  When and why to use mixed methods
§  Key differences in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research

Designing Mixed Method Research
§  Marriage strategies of quantitative and qualitative data
§  Parallel, Conversion, Sequential, Multilevel and Data Synthesis
§  Design Strategies:
ü  Sequential Explanatory Strategy
ü  Sequential Exploratory Strategy
ü  Sequential Transformative Strategy
ü  Concurrent Triangulation Strategy
ü  Concurrent Embedded Strategy
ü  Concurrent Transformative Strategy

Managing Mixed Method Research
§  Benefits of using mixed methods
§  Challenges of using mixed methods
§  Consideration for write up in mixed methods
§  Consideration for publishing in mixed methods
Day 02
Using SPSS (software) for Mixed Method Data Analysis
§  Usage of SPSS
§  Descriptive analysis
§  Comparative Analysis
Using NVivo (software) for Mixed Method Data Analysis
§  Data Feeding into Software (Quantitative and Qualitative)
§  Data Analysis through Software
§  Results Presentation through Software
Using MAXQDA (application) for Mixed Method Data Analysis
§  Preparing and importing online survey data into MAXQDA
§  Using word frequency, lexical search and autocoding tools for preliminary analysis
§  Using simple and complex query tools to check and refine the analysis and output results and reports
§  Setting-up different types of data in MAXQDA projects and linking them together
§  Using MAXQDA to help one form of data to inform the analysis of another
A Case Study on Mixed Method Approach
§  Design and Study Plan
§  Literature Review
§  Data Collection
§  Data Analysis
§  Results presentation and Write up
Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen
Fulbright Post-Doc,University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Fulbright Pre-Doc,University of Texas, Austin, USA

Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood
Post-Doc, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
PhD Library & Information Science (University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan)

Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman
PhD Information Studies and Communication, University of Charles de Gaulle, Lille 3, France
Listed NVivo Trainer of QSR International Australia
Dr. Aman Ullah
Ph.D HRM, Deakin Gradute School of Business, Deakin University, Australia


Program Details:
§  Date: February 12-13, 2014
§  Duration: Two-Days
§  Timing: 09:30AM-05:30PM (PST) for both days

Workshop Enrollment Fee:
§  Individual: Rs.4000/Participant
§  Full Time Student: Rs.3200/Participant
§  Institutional Participation Fee: Rs.30,000/up-to 15 Participants
Mode of Payment:
§  Cheque/Draft: Dispatch crossed cheque/draft in favour of “Centre for Training and Development” at the address: Suite No. 11, 7th Floor, Central Plaza, Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore-Pakistan.            
§  Direct Account Transfer: Through on-line banking, ATM/Internet/telephone transfer. Bank: Habib Bank Limited, A/C No: 50097900464555, Title of Account:  Centre for Training and Development, Branch: Ali Block, New Garden Town, Lahore”
Last date for enrollment: February 07, 2014
How to Join an On-Line Training Workshop?
If you have a PC (desktop/laptop) or any other portable device, microphone and an internet connection, you can easily join an on-line workshop. See system requirements

What Will You Get?
§  Certificate (through courier)
§  DVD of workshop recording (through courier)
§  Printable resource material and slides
§  Post-workshop consulting
§  Networking with professionals
§  Continues learning on the subject

§  Program Details:
§  Date: February 21-22, 2014
§  Duration: Two-Days
§  Timing: 09:30AM to 05:30PM for both days
§  Venue: University of Management & Technology, Lahore

Workshop Enrollment Fee:
§  Individual: Rs.8000/Participant
§  Full Time Student: Rs.6000/Participant
§  Group: Rs.6500/Participant for a group of 3 or more nominees
Mode of Payment:
§  Cheque/Draft: Dispatch crossed cheque/draft in favour of “Centre for Training and Development” at the address: Suite No. 11, 7th Floor, Central Plaza, Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore-Pakistan.         
§  Direct Account Transfer: Through on-line banking, ATM/Internet/telephone transfer. Bank: Habib Bank Limited, A/C No: 50097900464555, Title of Account:  Centre for Training and Development, Branch: Ali Block, New Garden Town, Lahore”
Last date for enrollment: February 17, 2014

What Will You Get?
§  Certificate
§  Resource material and slides
§  Post-workshop consulting
§  Networking with professionals
§  Continues learning on the subject
§  Lunch and refreshment

Please do provide your nomination through email, sms or telephone call stating full name, cell number, email ID, name of organization/university, and position/designation etc

Muhammad Zeeshan Sheikh
Manager, IRP Trainings,
Institute of Research Promotion,
Suite # 11, 7th Floor, Central Plaza, Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore-Pakistan
Cell: 0321-4516964 | Landline: 042-35846988 | Email: ctd@irp.edu.pk | URL: www.irs.net.pk


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